Why PURPLE-IT, your color in Solution Management
Having experience in all SAP flavors for almost 15 years, we saw the light ... SAP Solution Manager! Everything we used to do by own made tooling, Excel and all kinds of
different client tools, finally there was a solution from SAP to combine all your work in just one tool, SAP Solution Manager. Well ... that was the promise, not being
much more then a simple Add-On on the (in those days) current available fairly new Netweaver Stack, being version 6.40.
I was convinced of the advantages this product would bring to daily operation of SAP Solutions in the whole SAP community, whether you run SAP R/3, mySAP, or whatever
title is given to the products by SAP AG. So yes, already from the beginning, from Solution Manager version 2.0 and 2.1, we were there, trying to convince the whole world
that normally try to convince their colleagues ... it was time for a change. But up until now we notice that telling you should change your work is something completely
different from changing your own way of work.
Now having the newest version 7.2, finally SAP came through, everything that should be in the product is there, and working, and more important, working together, in one
big Integrated Solution for Implementing and Operating your SAP Landscapes.
Since six years I finally found a "brother in arms", also totally convinced of the added value of SAP Solution Manager. Where I came from the background of a SAP
Basis consultant, installing/upgrading/configuring all different SAP flavors, he came from a slightly different background ..... ABAP developer.
We used to work together already for a lot of customers, especially in the scenarios, Solution Documentation, Solution Implementation, Reverse Business Process
Documentation for all of our last customers, SAP IT Service Management and ChaRM, where the Basis knowledge related to SLD, LMDB, Registration and landscape management
together with the profound an deep knowledge of all used CRM objects, results in a very unique expertise in the SAP (Solution Manager) world.
That's why!
R.G.A. (Rik) Vriens
Owner and founder of Purple-IT